Some dogs that although seem to eat continuously but never gain weight. If you have a skinny dog, you may worry about whether there are health problems that make him unable to get fat. But don't panic, you can help your skinny dog to gain weight.

Determine a healthy weight

To determine if your dog needs to gain weight, try doing a simple test by palpating/feeling your dog's ribs. In a healthy dog, you should be able to feel the ribs just below the skin. If your dog's ribs stand out, then it means your dog is really very thin. Your next task is to determine the desired weight. If you do not know a healthy weight range for your dog breed, consult a veterinarian or breeder. The doctor can also run tests to check if your dog is experiencing a medical condition that makes it difficult to gain a healthy weight.

Type of food

The type of food you give your dog has a significant impact on his weight gain. High quality dogfoods contain a higher percentage of quality ingredients to provide the nutrients your dog needs. Low-quality dogfoods contain a lot of fillers, which use some of the calories in the dog's body as fuel for the digestive system to work extra digesting the filler. Compared to wet dogfood, dry dogfood is often more recommended for dogs who want to gain weight because it contains more carbohydrates, which can stimulate weight gain.

The amount of food given

To gain a dog's weight, he needs more calories than he usually gets. To determine how much food you should give to help your dog gain weight, read the instructions on your dogfood package and give it more than the recommended amount. You may need a little experiment to find out what amount it takes to give to your dog. Start by increasing your dog's daily feeding allowance by 50 percent and paying attention to the scales. If your dog still does not gain weight, add twice his normal allotment. If your dog can only eat a lot at a time, try giving it a few small portions a day or complete it with a healthy treat/sn snack.

Additional tips

It is also very important to make sure your dog gets a healthy amount of exercise every day. Exercise by walking for 30 minutes every day will help maintain healthy heart and lung function. If your dog does not get enough exercise, he may gain disproportionate weight, which can cause health problems for him. By practising along with improving his diet, you can also help your dog build his muscle mass.

Dogs that are hungry and very thin

If you are caring for a hungry or very thin dog, for example a dog rescued from the street (rescue dog), you need to do a slightly different procedure. Do not feed the dog in large quantities at once, as this can make him sick. Better, start by feeding small amounts every 20 to 30 minutes. Provide high-quality food that provides the calories a dog needs without overloading his digestive system. As his health improves, continue to give him small portions of food 3 to 4 times a day until he gets a healthy body weight for his type.